What do you use vitamin E for?

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Very glad to have found your blog, via your comment at my fave, el bad kitty. Very glad also to have learned about the work of your father. (I found his obituary at this direct link: https://www.hansenmortuary.com/obituaries/Dr-William-Buell-Risley-Sr?obId=28120989)

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Mar 22Liked by Dr. William Risley

I read your comment on Midwestern Doctor and came here as you suggested. I am the wife and mother of chiropractors, so much of your story resonates with me. I often say that I would not be alive today had I not married my husband. While he never told me what to do regarding my healthcare choices, I realized while he was in chiropractic school at Logan that there was a much better way than the medical model I had grown up with. It took a decade to reach a state of good health, but I learned and grew in understanding as I cared for our two children. I attended many seminars with my husband, who went on to get degrees in clinical nutrition and acupuncture. He still practices almost full time at age 75 and our daughter has practiced with him for the past 16 years. I am so thankful to have been blessed with this alternative lifestyle and maintain an active life at 73, still doing the bookkeeping and payroll for the practice, helping care for our two granddaughters, a three-legged dog, four chickens and a big garden. Your view regarding vegetable intake is very interesting. I intend to seek out more information about it. Our 49 year old son lives with us due to problems of PTSD and side effects from the experimental malaria vaccine (Larium) he was forced to take while serving in Somalia. I am sure that all the other vaccines he was given during his time in the military also had a deleterious effect. He has his own tree service business and my husband keeps him on an even keel most of the time. I have a positive outlook on life since we live on the “sunny side”, but do get dismayed and very sad that most people don’t seem to question the disintegration of our way of life, especially since March 2020. Blessings to you as you offer a better way to others.

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